Cybersecurity Workshop to be Hosted by Georgia Tech
Georgia Tech's Center for Economic Development and Research (CEDR) will be hosting a Cybersecurity Workshop in the Northeast Georgia region for targeted stakeholders with training provided by cybersecurity experts from Georgia Tech and the University of Georgia....
Regional Public Hearing Notice – FY2026 Grant Application for Section 5304 Program Funding
The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC) announces a public hearing for the FY2026 grant application for Section 5304 Statewide Planning through the Georgia Department of Transportation. The purpose of the public hearing is to discuss services offered through...

Public Review Period Begins for Northeast Georgia Regional Transit Development Plan
The final draft of the Northeast Georgia Regional Transit Development Plan is now available for review! The public review period for the Northeast Georgia Regional Transit Development Plan began on Friday, August 16, 2024. Please use the QR code above or visit the...
Regional Hearing for the FY24 Regional Plan Annual Implementation Report
The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC) announces a regional hearing for the FY24 annual implementation report on the 12-county regional plan. The purpose of the regional hearing is to inform interested parties about the contents of the draft report and the...

UPDATE: Northeast Georgia Regionally Important Resources (RIR) Resource Management Plan
The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC) will be performing an update to the Northeast Georgia Regionally Important Resources (RIR) Resource Management Plan. The intent of the plan is to: (1) enhance focus on protection and management of important natural and...
Northeast Georgia Regional Commission’s Regional Transit Development Plan
The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC) in coordination with the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has initiated the process of creating a Regional Transit Development Plan (TDP). The TDP will help identify transit needs and opportunities and...

The NEGRC Planning & Government Services Division has recently completed the update of the Northeast Georgia Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (2022-2026). This document is intended to compliment the vision and initiatives articulated by the Northeast...
Georgia General Assembly Amends Annexation Law
Georgia Department of Community Affairs recently released a memo outlining amendments that the Georgia General Assembly made governing how annexation (and deannexation) of territory is documented and recorded with the State. Effective July 1, 2022, HB1385 requires...

Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget Announces Notice of Funding Opportunity for Broadband Infrastructure Projects
The Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget (OPB) recently announced an opportunity of funds allocated for the Georgia Capital Projects Fund Grant Program ("CPF Grant Program"). The OPB anticipates that approximately $240 million may be available. Capital Projects...
Regional Plan Public Hearing Announcement
The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC) announces a regional hearing for the update to the 12-county area’s regional plan. The purpose of the regional hearing is to inform interested parties about the process the NEGRC will use to develop the update. The...