• ADMINISTRATION: (706) 369-5650
    WORKFORCE: (706t) 369-5703
    AGING: (706) 583-2546
    PGS: (706) 369-5650

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    The Georgia Smart Communities Challenge is a first-of-its-kind opportunity for communities of any size in Georgia to receive funding and support that enables them to envision, explore, and plan for their “smart” future. Georgia Smart supports cities to explore the use, deployment, and/or integration of smart community technologies into their jurisdictions and operations. These technologies include: intelligent infrastructures, information and communication technologies (ICTs), Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and other computational or digital technologies (such as data centers and portals, web and smartphone applications, and automated digital services).

    The Georgia Smart grant provides $50,000 toward the development of a community-based “smart” technology project, intended to improve citizens’ lives in inclusive and equitable ways. Communities awarded the grant also receive technical assistance from a Georgia Tech researcher and access to unique resources to execute their projects, including connections to industry experts and access to technology solutions.

    The next Georgia Smart Communities Challenge application period will open in early 2020. If you are interested in participating, please contact Monica Sagastizado, NEGRC Project Specialist, at msagastizado@negrc.org. Visit www.smartcities.gatech.edu/georgia-smart for additional information.