• ADMINISTRATION: (706) 369-5650
    WORKFORCE: (706t) 369-5703
    AGING: (706) 583-2546
    PGS: (706) 369-5650

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    NORTHEAST GEORGIA REGIONAL COMMISSION AREA AGENCY ON AGING SCHEDULES PUBLIC HEARINGS ON AREA PLAN Two Public Hearings on the State Fiscal Year 2019 Area Plan for the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission – Area Agency on Aging Planning and Service Area which includes Barrow, Clarke, Elbert, Greene, Jackson, Jasper, Madison, Morgan, Newton, Oconee, Oglethorpe, and Walton Counties will take place on the following dates, times, and locations: 1. Monday, January 8, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at Madison County Senior Center, 1265 Highway 98 West, Danielsville, GA  30633; and 2. Tuesday January 9, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at Newton County Senior Center,  6183 Turner Lake Complex, Covington, GA  30014. These hearings are held to inform Northeast Georgia’s residents of Aging Services’ plan(s) for State Fiscal Year 2019 and to provide citizens with an opportunity to discuss issues relevant to the Northeast Georgia Planning and Service Area.  All interested parties are encouraged to attend these hearings.  The Department of Human Services – Division of Aging Services is the sponsoring agent for programs or services offered in the planning and service area.  If additional information is needed, contact Peggy Jenkins at (706) 583-2546 extension 101 or via e-mail at pjenkins@negrc.org.