Our role as the Area Agency on Aging is to assess need, advocate, engage community support, coordinate program funding, and monitor and evaluate the work of service providers to promote the development of a comprehensive service delivery system.
Phone: (706) 583-2546
Toll Free: 1 (800) 474-7540
Email: aging@negrc.org
AAA Services
Home Delivered Meals
Personal Care Services
Upcoming Events
Frequently Asked Questions
We have staff available to assist in determining the services that are most appropriate for each individual situation. If you are interested in learning more about any of the programs below, please call our office at (706) 583-2546.
I am a Medicaid recipient who needs a Elderly Disabled Waivered Program (formerly CCSP) service to continue living in the community. What should I do?
How do I know if EDWP is best for me?
A Certified Options Counselor will assess your needs and discuss long term support options with you to make an informed decision.
I am not a Medicaid recipient, but I have limited income and assets and need services. Am I eligible to participate in EDWP?
How much do EDWP services cost?
How long will I be eligible to receive EDWP?
As long as you meet eligibility and service criteria. However, you may choose cancel services at anytime.
How do I apply for Meals on Wheels?
To learn more and apply for home delivered meals please contact the ADRC. 1 (800) 474-7540
I am caring for someone and I am interested in options for in-home assistance. How can I find out about these options?
A Certified Options Counselor will assess your needs and discuss long term support options with you to make an informed decision
How can I be paid as a caregiver?
Please contact the ADRC to discuss how you can be a paid caregiver. 1 (800) 474-7540
What are the transportation options in our area?
The AAA/ADRC contracts with local transportation providers throughout the Northeast Georgia Region. Private Pay, Medicaid transportation, and bus passes are also available. Call 800-474-7540 to learn more
How do I make a referral to the Aging and Disability Resource Connection?
The ADRC receives referrals by fax, email, phone calls, and mail. You can submit a referral through the website at www.negrc.org or via email at aging@negrc.org. We also accept walk-ins Monday- Friday 8:30am-5:00pm. You can also schedule an in-person appointment with a counselor by calling (706)583-2546 or (800)-474-7540.
How can I get help with Medicare questions?
GeorgiaCares is a program that offers unbiased Medicare counseling. The program is offered in the 12 county Northeast Georgia Planning and Service Area through a contract with the Athens Community Council on Aging. GeorgiaCares can be reached at (706) 549-4850 and State (866) 55-AGING
How can I get help with legal issues?
The Elderly Legal Assistance Program assists individuals who are 60 years and older with non-criminal legal issues, such as income; consumer protection; abuse, neglect and exploitation; healthcare; housing; long-term care and more. Services are provided in every county. Contact Mark Franklin at the Law Office of Sherry Jackson at (706)369-7147.
How can I get help with finding employment?
Senior Community Service Employment Program is offered in the 12-county Northeast Georgia Planning and Service Area through a contract with the Athens Community Council on Aging. This program provides training opportunities for adults 55 years and older whose total family income is at or below 125% of the federal poverty level. To apply, contact the Senior Community Service Employment Program at (706) 549-4850.
AAA Partners