• ADMINISTRATION: (706) 369-5650
    WORKFORCE: (706t) 369-5703
    AGING: (706) 583-2546
    PGS: (706) 369-5650

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    Stakeholders throughout Northeast Georgia list public transit as a key component of the region’s future.  PGS staff, alongside our partners at GDOT, can assist your community with envisioning, creating, and administering a rural transit system that connects residents to jobs, education, healthcare, services, and recreation.

    Rural Transit Planning 

    Public transit services are available in much of the Northeast Georgia region, otherwise known as 5311 (rural) and 5307 (small urban) programs. The PGS Division serves as an available liaison between the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and local transit agencies to assist with researching the needs and opportunities for public transit, ensuring operational compliance, and planning for strategic transit growth within the region.  Additional services include consultation, education and outreach, creation or update of transit development plans, and transit needs analysis.

    Northeast Georgia Regional Transit Development Plan (TDP)

    The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission is in the end stages of drawing out a Transit Development Plan for the region. This plan will recommend several strategies to address rural and regional transit needs across the Northeast region. 

    Northeast Georgia Regional Transit Development Plan Information Hub

    The NEGRC also assists with Department of Human Services (DHS) transportation services, through the Area Agency on Aging Division.

    Click here for DHS service information

    Title VI Resources

    In addition to providing planning and outreach assistance for rural transit, the PGS Division is working with local providers to ensure Title VI compliance. Title VI (Civil Rights Act of 1964) prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in any program or activity that receives federal funds or other federal financial assistance.

    Refer to the following links for Title VI information and reporting forms: 

    Title VI Presentation

    A summary of the requirements and best practices for rural transit systems.

    View Presentation

    Northeast Georgia Title VI Compliance Checklist
    Title VI Sample Complaint Form

    Agency Partners