• ADMINISTRATION: (706) 369-5650
    WORKFORCE: (706t) 369-5703
    AGING: (706) 583-2546
    PGS: (706) 369-5650

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    On January 6, 2020, Rusty Haygood, the Deputy Commissioner for the Georgia Department of Community Affairs, held an informational workshop in Athens regarding the distribution of material promoting the Census also known as the Complete Count Toolkit. Beginning in January, local Complete Count Committees (CCCs), ethnic organizations, non-profits, etc. will be able to download the toolkit at no cost. Interested communities and CCC’s can visit census.ga.gov and download ready-made newsletters, newspaper articles, posters, stickers etc.  Additionally, some materials can be customized by groups with specific needs.

    Mr. Haygood also announced that, starting March 12th, the Census Bureau will be mailing out the first notice to citizens to complete the Census online. Shortly after that, the State Complete Count Committee will begin a media campaign on all major television networks and ethnic media outlets. The State has a goal of 80% Census completion rate and, with local support, Georgia could surpass that goal. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the Complete Count Toolkit, please feel free to contact Eva Kennedy, Director of Planning and Government Services, at 706-369-5650 or ekennedy@negrc.org. You can also visit census.georgia.gov/contact-us.