• ADMINISTRATION: (706) 369-5650
    WORKFORCE: (706t) 369-5703
    AGING: (706) 583-2546
    PGS: (706) 369-5650

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    Select Page

    An annual contract between the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and the NEGRC facilitates bicycling and walking planning and educational services for local governments. Planning & Government Services (PGS) staff are available to assist with related local needs, including:

    • Complete streets plans, ordinances, and implementation to target infrastructure and policy measures designed to improve walking and bicycling conditions
    • Trails and greenways plans to define connective networks and priority corridors for active transportation and recreation
    • Safe Routes to School plans to improve safety in and around school zones
    • Walk and bike audits, specific-area and neighborhood-level plans, corridor improvement strategies, and demonstration projects to create high-quality public spaces
    • Low-cost walking and bicycling plans to make efficient use of limited resources
    • Educational programs on many of the topics listed above, including low-cost improvements, complete streets foundations, and “Bike-Friendly Driver” training (staff would be happy to discuss custom programs tailored to individual municipalities and counties)

    In addition to the safety benefits that these projects can provide, they also tie into community and economic development, placemaking, tourism, public health, natural resources, and other areas of local interest.

    To access the Regional Commission’s services, discuss other creative solutions to your community’s needs, or share local success stories, please contact John Devine, AICP, NEGRC Principal Planner, at jdevine@negrc.org or (706) 369-5650.