• ADMINISTRATION: (706) 369-5650
    WORKFORCE: (706t) 369-5703
    AGING: (706) 583-2546
    PGS: (706) 369-5650

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    REVAMP ( previously Map-21 )

    The NEGRC is working closely with its communities, county-by-county, to verify and collect a variety of local, transportation-related data. REVAMP is a statewide initiative to develop consistent, comprehensive transportation data.

    Planning Resources

    Georgia’s Roadway Element Validation and Mapping Program (REVAMP, previously known as MAP-21) features a unique partnership between the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT), the University of Georgia’s Carl Vinson Institute of Government (ITOS), and the Georgia Association of Regional Commissions (GARC). PGS staff are working closely with local communities to verify and collect a variety of transportation-related data. Work conducted under the MAP-21 program involved road names, ownership, number of lanes, surface type, and traffic control devices. REVAMP will collect more fine-grained data, including pedestrian infrastructure, parking, turn lanes, school zones. This work is intended to help meet the state’s federal reporting requirements and create datasets that local governments can use for infrastructure planning and inventory.

    LRA (Local Road Activity)

    Every time a public, local road is constructed, named/re-named, re-routed, removed/abandoned, widened, lengthened, and/or paved (when previously unpaved), local governments should be going through the LRA process to notify GDOT of those changes.

    For questions regarding LRA
    or MAP-21, contact
    Mark Beatty, mbeatty@negrc.org

    Agency Partners