• ADMINISTRATION: (706) 369-5650
    WORKFORCE: (706t) 369-5703
    AGING: (706) 583-2546
    PGS: (706) 369-5650

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    Regional Authorities

    The NEGRC hosts regular meetings of and provides administrative assistance to the following regional development authorities.


    Joint Development Authority of Northeast Georgia.

    JDANEG - Joint Development Authority of Northeast GeorgiaIn 1994, the JDANEG was “created for the public purpose of promoting and expanding industry and trade . . . and to attract new industry to provide increased employment for the citizens living within the jurisdiction of the Authority and to expand the ad valorem tax base for the seven counties.” The JDANEG is comprised of seven member counties: Athens-Clarke, Barrow, Elbert, Jackson, Madison, Oconee, and Oglethorpe. The JDANEG provides bonds, support to local economic development projects, and a collaborative strategy for economic development in Northeast Georgia. PGS staff provide administrative support. Meeting minutes and agendas can be found below:


    Northeast Georgia Regional Solid Waste Management Authority.

    The NEGRSWMA is comprised of ten counties in the Northeast Georgia Region, with two members representing each county. The Authority is involved in planning, education, and research on solid waste topics as they relate to general operations and compliance with federal and state law. The PGS Division serves as an administrator to the Authority, facilitating quarterly meetings and site visits throughout the NEGRSWMA’s 10 member counties.  

    The NEGRSWMA holds quarterly meetings on the second Wednesday of February, May, August, and November at 1:00 p.m. at the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission. All meetings are open to the public.  

    Meeting minutes and regional solid waste information can be found below. 

    The Regional Solid Waste Management Plan can be found HERE.

    Northeast Georgia Regional Solid Waste Management Plan 2021-2031

    The Northeast Georgia Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP) has been developed for the
    ten counties and 47 municipalities that are included within the jurisdiction of the Northeast Georgia
    Regional Solid Waste Management Authority (NEGRSWMA). The Plan can be accessed here.

    Northeast Georgia Regional Land Suitability Analysis

    Any entity requesting a renewal or issuance of a solid waste handling permit from EPD must demonstrate that the facility or facility expansion is consistent with the local government’s Solid Waste Management Plan. It is the responsibility of the applicant to consult with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Counties within the area(s) of potential effect, and the Northeast Georgia Regional Solid Waste Management Authority to verify procedures and siting requirements. Specifically, applicants should reference and adhere to the rules and regulations defined in the Georgia Rules for Solid Waste Management Criteria for Siting (§ 391-3-4-.05).

    Northeast Georgia Regional Land Suitability Map

    Note: This map is based on best available data and is not designed to be a comprehensive survey of land suitability. All applicable laws and regulations should be referenced and adhered to when siting a new facility or expansion, including, but not limited to, local ordinances regulating land use and development (not reflected on this map). More information regarding the data presented in this map can be referenced in the Northeast Georgia Regional Solid Waste Management Plan 2021-2031.

    Upper Oconee Basin Water Authority 


    The Upper Oconee Basin Water Authority (UOBWA) consists of four counties: Athens-Clarke, Barrow,  Jackson, and Oconee. The UOBWA was created by the Georgia General Assembly in 1994.  The Authority is authorized to secure governmental permits, licenses, and approval to proceed with the design, financing, acquisition, and construction of reservoirs and related improvements.  In return, the Authority is obligated to deliver an allocation of water supply to each member, based on population ratios and water consumer count at the time the legislation was enacted.

    Click here to visit the UOBWA site for more information about the basin and recreational activities there.