January 2021 Seniors Taking Charge Newsletter
Click link to review newsletter. https://georgiahealthmatters.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Seniors-Taking-Charge_January-2021.pdf

August 2020 Seniors Taking Charge Newsletter
Click on link to review newsletter: https://georgiahealthmatters.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Seniors-Taking-Charge_August2020.pdf
ADRC Intake Form
Quick Screen for Assistance This quick screening tool will help determine if your needs meet high priority criteria for programs and services provided under the Older Americans Act. This tool is designed primarily for: individuals age 60+, caregivers age 60+ or...
Dementia Friendly Technology
Our friends at the University of Georgia Institute of Gerontology are looking for people aged 65-115 years with memory problems, or a recent diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or related dementia. They are also looking for caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s disease...
USDA Farmers-To-Families Food Box Program
USDA Farmers-To-Families Food Box Program USDA Farmers-to-Families Food Boxes, containing fresh fruits and vegetables, will be given away at Oglethorpe County Middle School on Tuesday, June 9, 2020. The boxes are packed and delivered by Collins Brothers Produce. We...
Happy Retirement to Mary Brown
Happy Retirement to Mary Brown, Greene County Senior Center Director Mary Brown will retire from Greene County Senior Center on Friday, March 13, 2020. Mary began working at Greene County Senior Center on October 31, 2005. During Mary’s tenure, the attendance at the...
ACCA Partners with Spectrum for Laptop Giveaway
Spectrum Laptop Giveaway The Athens Community Council on Aging (ACCA) is proud to announce that it has received a donation of laptops from Charter Spectrum to promote the availability of expanded broadband access and Spectrum Internet Assist. The laptops will be given...
NORTHEAST GEORGIA REGIONAL COMMISSION AREA AGENCY ON AGING SCHEDULES PUBLIC HEARINGS ON AREA PLAN Two Public Hearings on the State Fiscal Year 2019 Area Plan for the Northeast Georgia Regional Commission - Area Agency on Aging Planning and Service Area which includes...