Sep 1, 2020 | Bike/Ped, Economic Development, Infrastructure, PGS, PGS HP, Planning, Transportation
The NEGRC’s Planning & Government Services Division recently released a new guide for transportation planning & prioritization. The PGS Division is also offering technical assistance to communities wishing to assess their transportation needs and...
Aug 19, 2020 | Bike/Ped, Community Development, Economic Development, Infrastructure, Safety, Transportation, Walking
The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission is proud to announce the release of A Complete Streets Guide for local communities. By building “Complete Streets” (right-of-ways that are safe, comfortable, useful, and interesting for people of all ages and abilities),...
May 1, 2020 | Bike/Ped, Community Development, Economic Development, Historic Resources, Infrastructure, Natural Resources, PGS, Planning, Transportation
The Northeast Georgia Regional Commission (NEGRC) announces a regional hearing for the annual implementation report on the 12-county regional plan. The purpose of the regional hearing is to inform interested parties about the contents of the report and the process by...
Sep 23, 2019 | Bike/Ped, Community Development, Environment, Grant, Health, Planning, Recreation, Safety, Transportation, Walking
An annual contract between the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and the NEGRC facilitates bicycling and walking planning and educational services for local governments. Planning & Government Services (PGS) staff are available to assist with related...